Gosh, Sorry : over-apologetic Brits in America - the plug socket switch is one confusing things about british homes among others - 'Love' or 'Honey' as an affectionate term.
As an introduction, a short extract from bbcamerica.com :
'Brits who first arrive in the U.S. often have a false sense of security. Not only do we all speak the same language (ha!), but the houses are pretty similar too. Well, a word of warning fellow Brits — it all looks very familiar — until you attempt to do anything.'
Reading suggestions, articles to fuel the discussion :
As I was looking for a few other articles for our next Saturday topic, I came across a book I've had on my bookshelf for ages but I had never read... not a recent one but worth opening... Alistair Cooke was a British born American writer, journalist, radio broadcaster. You might enjoy the 2 extracts from his journalistic output 'Letter from America' https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dww3blmprk30gMxciMhsCpOp3J3VFSuY/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rPvvEZ2mDQMRBSAdP2GN_lQ-2K32nVr3/view?usp=sharing
Reading suggestions, a book : « Changing places / Changement de décor » by David Lodge. What do an English professor at a large English university (Oxbridge) and an English professor at a large California university (Stanley) have in common? Answer: nothing and David Lodge to prove it to us by provoking the hilarious exchange of position between the two protagonists during a semester in his book.
Lorely nous avait rejoint en direct de Barnet et a pu commenter sur les habitudes des Britanniques (il est faux de dire qu'ils n'adressent pas facilement la parole à des personnes qu'ils ne connaissent pas, Lorely est tout l'opposé et parle facilement à tout le monde :) par rapport aux américains.
Quelques précisions concernant les écrivains britanniques dont il était question : Peter MAY (né à Glasgow en 1951) vit en Dordogne, il a la nationalité française maintenant !
Par contre, c’est Peter Mayle (1939-2018) qui a écrit “Une année en Provence” et plusieurs autres bouquins excellents sur son long séjour en France. Il note avec humour ses observations par rapport à la GB et aux USA où il…